wider curriculum maps Within each Key Stage, the curriculum is organised to ensure access is equitable and age appropriate, building systematically in a clear and coherent manner through the topics and schemes of work.The curriculum is broad and balanced and offers pupils an exciting learning experience to challenge and inspire them. Teachers work collaboratively within each department to plan an adapted curriculum, taking careful account of the bespoke scheme of work for the respective subject as well as the National Curriculum and OCR Life and Living requirements. Work is meaningfully differentiated to support learners growing towards their personal Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) outcomes and enriched with a total communication environment. Post 16 Oaks 11 Wider Curriculum MapPost 16 Oaks 10 Wider Curriculum MapPost 16 Oaks 9 Wider Curriculum MapEYFS RHE Wider Curriculum Map 2024-25Key Stage 4 Wider Curriculum Map 2024-25Key Stage 3 Wider Curriculum Map 2024-25Key Stage 2 Wider Curriculum Map 2024-25Key Stage 1 Wider Curriculum Map 2024-25Life Choices O8 Wider Curriculum Map 2024-25The Den EYFS/KS1 Wider Curriculum Maps 2024-25EYFS Wider Curriculum Map 2024-25The Den KS2 Wider Curriculum Map 2024-25