Training & Events
Programme of Events
Booking On-Line
Check availability | book places instantly | receive confirmation and reminder emails.
Select a course from the right hand section and the course details and booking instructions will appear in the left hand section.
Payment should be made by BACS using these details:
Account number: 15931668
Sort Code: 30-92-15
Please ensure to quote the BOOKING REFERENCE from your confirmation email with your payment.
Please Note: Your booking is not guaranteed until payment has been received.
Please also see SENCO Network page to book SENCO Net meetings.
Please remember to take your own school identity badges to all courses and events.
FWTSA Booking Terms & Conditions
Payment should be made by cheque (payable to Forest Way School) and sent to Forest Way Alliance, Forest Way School, Warren Hills Road, Coalville LE67 4UU,
or by BACS using the details below:
Account Number: 15931668 Sort Code: 30-92-15
Please ensure you quote your BOOKING REFERENCE NUMBER with your payment.
Payment must be received prior to the course commencing.
The school will be liable for payment once the booking has been made
Confirmation of booking will be sent by email when the booking is made.
Forest Way School reserves the right to cancel a meeting e.g. if under-subscribed. In such circumstances a full refund will be made.
Places may be cancelled in writing to Forest Way School prior to the course commencing, but refunds will only be issued based on the following notice periods:-
More than 28 working days before – full refund
14-28 working days before – 50% of the fee will be refunded
Less than 14 working days before – no refund.
(Please note: If a copy of a doctor’s sick note is provided refunds may be made at the discretion of Forest Way School).